
Welding LVHV Hood – Test Piece/Adaptor

Now available – a dedicated adaptable test kit containing three stainless steel tubes (different diameters) to attach to MIG LVHV welding hoods. The tube attachment permits Flowrates and hood entry Static Pressure to be measured using a Pitot tube/manometer (not …

HSE “An LEV Checklist for Employers”

The information in this resource has been taken from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) publication, ‘Clearing the air: A simple guide to buying and using Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)’. The information is aimed at employers or anyone who installs …

EH40 – Workplace Exposure Limits 2005 (2020 edition).

This latest version of EH40 (4th Revision; 2020) has been updated to include new, revised and updated Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs) for the following substances:- ■  Hardwood dusts (including mixed dusts) ■  Chromium (VI) compounds ■  Refractory ceramic fibres ■  …

SHAPA ATEX Technical Paper (updated)

SHAPA Practical Guidance for Suppliers and Operators of Solid Handling Equipment for Potentially Explosive Dusts. Taken from the foreword: It is the policy of the SHAPA technical committee to systematically review the technical papers & presentations listed in the “Technical …

HSE Update: Welding Fume

Earlier in 2019, the HSE released their bulletin announcing that Mild Steel welding fumes was now classed as carcinogen.  This put Mild steel welding into the same category as Stainless and Galv welding (just to name a few examples). The …

HSE Explanation of Special Lighting Set-up to Show Invisible Paint Mist

This HSE slide show explains the importance of Tyndall lamp assessments in a spray paint application.  A Tyndall lamp uses the sunlight effect to illuminate invisible particles that you cannot see under normal circumstances. The tyndall assessment is an important …

BOHS – Breathe Freely “Welding Fume Control Selector Tool”

An online Welding Fume Control Selector Tool In light of the HSE’s bulletin announcing Mild Steel welding as a carcinogen, Breathe Freely have supplied this web-tool.  It is designed to complement the information on the Breathe Freely in Manufacturing webpages. …

HSG258; Controlling Airborne Contaminants at Work; A Guide to Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)

Controlling airborne contaminants at work; A guide to local exhaust ventilation (LEV) Third Edition, Published by HSE 2017 This is HSE’s current guide on LEV and related topics.  Here you will find recommended Duct Velocities, Captor Velocities, Face Velocities, and …

HSE RR1126 – In-Cab Air Filtration in Plant Vehicles to Control Exposure to Hazardous Dust

This Research Report (RR1126) by HSE, published in 2018 looked at the factors that influence the effectiveness of in-cab air filtration systems throughout their operational lifecycle, including system design, in-service use, and maintenance. The research included developing a new scientific …

BS EN ISO 10882-2: 2000 Welding – Sampling Gases in the Breathing Zone

BS EN ISO 10882-1: 2000 specifies a sampling method for welding gases generated by welding-related operations for the purpose of making personal exposure measurements in the operator’s breathing zone. It is intended to be of benefit to: agencies concerned with …