Substance Specific

HSE Workplan 2021-22 Occupational Lung Disease in “Fabricated Metal Sector”

HSE’s Inspection plan for Fabricated Metal Sector (Metal Working Fluid Exposure Risks). While the dates have passed – this is likely still to be (mostly) HSE’s intentions and views on the health risks and control mitigations for the sector. Incredibly …

APPG Report – “Improving Silicosis Outcomes in the UK”

That initial Report from APPG was in response to the concerns within industry about the disproportionate effect of dust on workers’ respiratory health and in particular, respirable crystalline silica (RCS) and the impact on their lives. The intention of the …

Evolution of PM2.5 Measurements and Standards in the U.S.

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) were first established in the United States to protect public health and welfare, and the concept has been adopted in China and many other countries. For particulate matter (PM), the NAAQS indicator evolved from …

BS EN 689 2018 “Measuring Exposure by Inhalation to Chemical Agents”

BS EN 689 is an international standard that covers the measurement of exposure by inhalation to chemical agents. BS EN 689 discusses workplace exposure in compliance with occupational exposure limit values. It specifies a strategy to perform representative measurements of exposure by inhalation to …

HSE/UKLA “Good Practice Guide for Safe Handling and Disposal of Metalworking Fluids”

This revised publication from UKLA/HSE on good practice for safe handling and disposal of metalworking fluid (MWF) provides a guide on how to maintain MWF to prevent ill-health in machine workshops. It has been prepared by a panel of experts …

Guidance on Dust Control & Health Surveillance in Bakeries

Excellent document published by the Federation of Bakers in August 2020. This guidance addresses one of the more significant OH risks in the industry; respiratory exposure to flour and other ingredient dusts. Since its last revision in 2008 the well-known …

EH40 – Workplace Exposure Limits 2005 (2020 edition).

This latest version of EH40 (4th Revision; 2020) has been updated to include new, revised and updated Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs) for the following substances:- ■  Hardwood dusts (including mixed dusts) ■  Chromium (VI) compounds ■  Refractory ceramic fibres ■  …

HSE Update: Welding Fume

Earlier in 2019, the HSE released their bulletin announcing that Mild Steel welding fumes was now classed as carcinogen.  This put Mild steel welding into the same category as Stainless and Galv welding (just to name a few examples). The …

BOHS – Breathe Freely “Welding Fume Control Selector Tool”

An online Welding Fume Control Selector Tool In light of the HSE’s bulletin announcing Mild Steel welding as a carcinogen, Breathe Freely have supplied this web-tool.  It is designed to complement the information on the Breathe Freely in Manufacturing webpages. …

BS EN ISO 10882-2: 2000 Welding – Sampling Gases in the Breathing Zone

BS EN ISO 10882-1: 2000 specifies a sampling method for welding gases generated by welding-related operations for the purpose of making personal exposure measurements in the operator’s breathing zone. It is intended to be of benefit to: agencies concerned with …