
HSE Guide INDG388 “Safety in Isocyanate Paint Spraying”

This HSE Guidance Note is aimed at owners, managers and supervisors of Vehicle Bodyshops. It outlines the risks in using Isocyanate paints (also known as 2K, two-pack or polyurethane paints) in motor vehicle repair and how you can minimise them …

HSE Guide: Spray Painting Using Isocyanate-Based Paints

This guidance is aimed at SMART (Small and Medium Area Repair Technique) repair sprayers using isocyanate-based and other paints and who generally operate as a mobile unit. It is also useful for franchisees, managers and operators in motor vehicle repair …

HSE – Offshore Series OCE17 “Laboratory Practice”

This HSE guidance sheet for Offshore locations describes good practice for laboratory work in the offshore environment which involves the analysis of chemicals and process fluids, eg measuring oil in water using perchloroethylene (TTCE). It covers the key points you …

HSE CoSHH – Welding Guidance Leaflets

HSE’s CoSHH Essentials section on Welding Fume has a list of 23 topic Guidance Notes – all of which can be accessed by following the URL link below. Some of the Ventilation-specific guidance notes are listed below for direct download:- …

HSE – Prevention of Dust Explosions in the Food Industry

1. Introduction 1.1 Explosions and fires within the food industry from combustible materials are a known hazard and they can have devastating and irreversible effects. This information sheet concentrates solely on the fire and explosion hazards encountered in the food …

BOHS NI Regional Meeting – Practical LEV Testing

A PDF of the slides from the BOHS Northern Ireland regional meeting.  Titled Practical LEV Testing. BOHS Practical LEV Testing Slides

Snippet of a Fume Extraction User Manual

This is a small snippet taken from a fume extraction system user manual. Refer to HSG258 (p80) to ensure that your user manual meets the recommended content.  Ensure your manual is easy to understand for all the operators who may …

Camfil – Wet Scrubbers vs. Dry Dust Collectors (Slide Share)

Wet scrubbers and dry media dust collectors are two very different technologies used to capture combustible dusts. This slideshare presentation looks at the pro’s and cons of both types of collector. Link to Slide Presentation

Plant Engineer Magazine LEV Article

Plant Engineer is a magazine by Findlay Media on behalf of the IPlantE and BES professional sectors of SOE (Society of Operations Engineers). It is provided to all members of the SOE who are members of IPlantE & BES free of …

HSE – Case Study – Minor modifications: ITT – Smoke Test

This is a case study on the HSE website looks into how minor modifications to an LEV Hood can make significant improvement to a tracer smoke containment assessment. ITT used booths to control exposure to harmful gases, mists and vapours …