DSEAR/Fire & Explosion

IMechE “ALARP for Engineers” a Technical Safety Guide

The IMechE’s Safety and Reliability Group created this document, and it was initially published in 2021. Following feedback from key stakeholders, the report has since been revised and reissued. The IMechE Safety and Reliability Group promotes the development of safety …

Environment Agency – “Fire Risk in Activated Carbon”

Activated carbon is widely used for emissions and odour treatment. Under normal operating conditions the likelihood of fire is low, however, there are certain circumstances in which fire could occur. This Technical Guide No 12 considers the risks and provides …

Guidance on Dust Control & Health Surveillance in Bakeries

Excellent document published by the Federation of Bakers in August 2020. This guidance addresses one of the more significant OH risks in the industry; respiratory exposure to flour and other ingredient dusts. Since its last revision in 2008 the well-known …

SHAPA Practical Guidance for Suppliers and Operators of Solid Handling Equipment for Potentially Explosive Dusts

Excellent guide from SHAPA – dealing with responsibilities placed upon manufacturers and suppliers of machinery and equipment for use in explosive atmospheres.  Additional sections deal with responsibilities placed upon owners and operators of such equipment and the responsibilities and actions …

SHAPA ATEX Technical Paper (updated)

SHAPA Practical Guidance for Suppliers and Operators of Solid Handling Equipment for Potentially Explosive Dusts. Taken from the foreword: It is the policy of the SHAPA technical committee to systematically review the technical papers & presentations listed in the “Technical …

HSE Guides “Woodworking”

HSE have produced in 2017 a series of guides on controlling dust from woodworking processes.  These guides can be accessed and downloaded by following these links:- WD0 “Advice for Managers” WD1 “Bandsaws” WD2 “Circular Bench Saws” WD3 “Cross-Cut Saws” WD4 …

HSE Safety in Gas Welding Cutting & Similar Processes (INDG297)

Whilst not focused solely on the exposure aspects/LEV areas of welding etc, this HSE Guidance leaflet is still very useful for anyone who uses compressed gases for welding, hot cutting and similar processes. It describes the hazards associated with portable …

Largest Problems Facing the Combustible Dust Community – Views of 30 Experts

This US-based knowledge website is dedicated to the issues surrounding Combustible/Explosive Dusts. In the opening words of the website they offer the following excellent summary:- “One of the biggest issues in dust explosion and fire prevention is lack of information …

HSE Guide MR1 “Mixing 2 Pack Paint Containing Isocyanate”

This HSE Guide/Information sheet will help employers, the self-employed and franchisees to comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (CoSHH), as amended, to control exposure to Isocyanates and protect workers’ health. This sheet describes good practice …

HSE – Prevention of Dust Explosions in the Food Industry

1. Introduction 1.1 Explosions and fires within the food industry from combustible materials are a known hazard and they can have devastating and irreversible effects. This information sheet concentrates solely on the fire and explosion hazards encountered in the food …