This HSE CoSHH Essentials Guidance sheet provides good practice advice on weighing medium quantities of solids. It describes the key points you need to follow to help reduce exposure to an adequate level. The guidance sheet can be downloaded here: …
This HSE CoSHH Essentials guidance sheet provides good practice advice on sack and bag filling, and can be applied to tasks involving medium quantities of solids. It describes the key points you need to follow to help reduce exposure to …
This HSE CoSHH Essentials guidance sheet provides good practice advice on using a ventilated workbench with underbench extraction. It can be applied to a range of tasks involving small-scale use of solids or liquids, eg cleaning or applying adhesives. It …
This HSE CoSHH Essentials guidance sheet provides advice on good practice for using a laminar flow booth. It can be applied to many medium-scale tasks using solids or liquids, eg weighing or mixing. It describes the key points you need to …
CoSHH Essentials guidance sheet produced by HSE providing advice on Fume Cupboards; their Design, Maintenance and TExTs. Also covers operator Training and PPE issues. The leaflet can be downloaded here: HSE CG201 Fume Cupboards
This HSE Guidance leaflet describes good practice using gas scavenging of fumes from stationary vehicles. It covers the points to be followed in order to reduce exposure to an adequate level. The leaflet can be downloaded here: HSE SR14 Vehicle Exhaust Fumes
Unmarked guide from HSE providing information on Hazardous area classification. This should be carried out as an integral part of the risk assessment to identify places (or areas) where controls over ignition sources are needed (hazardous places) and also those places where …
This very helpful Blog/News item published by Diamond Environmental in 2011 provides a concise introduction to smoke clearance practices and procedures. The Blog can be accessed here: Smoke Clearance – Diamond Environmental
This HSE Guidance Booklet describes the hazards posed by construction dust and gives guidance on choosing, using and maintaining on-tool extraction for controlling construction dust. It is principally for managers and supervisors but will also be useful for trade union …
Much useful guidance is given on this HSE web page on the procedure and practice for measuring clearance times in Paint Spray Booths: HSE’s Paint Spray Booth Clearance Time Page The page also refers to an HSE Research Report …
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