SHAPA Dust Explosion Protection using Flameless Venting

SHAPA Dust Explosion Protection using Flameless Venting

SHAPA = Solids Handling & Processing Association

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This document is titled Dust Explosion Protection using Flameless Venting by Jef Snoeys of Fike Corporation.

A snippet taken from the documents introduction:

A new option – flameless venting – has recently been developed for dust explosions and is being actively marketed as an alternative to vent ducting.  Another important application of this new technique is the retrofitting of existing installations.  The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR) require industry to critically review the explosion prevention/protection methods used with all equipment handling dangerous substances.  It is not uncommon for powder manufacturers/processors, particularly in the traditional industries, to find that their current level/type of explosion protection does not satisfy the requirements of DSEAR and that additional protection is required to meet the Health and Safety Requirements.  To read more click here

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