Largest Problems Facing the Combustible Dust Community – Views of 30 Experts

This US-based knowledge website is dedicated to the issues surrounding Combustible/Explosive Dusts.
In the opening words of the website they offer the following excellent summary:-
“One of the biggest issues in dust explosion and fire prevention is lack of information transfer in the community. This can lead to increased risk of industrial disasters worldwide, lack of funding for regulating and government agencies, and isolation of individual research groups.
The purpose of this round-up post is to get a global view of the main problems affecting our industry today. The goal is to give anyone the ability to connect with lead experts in their area, and contribute to the discussion on where improvements can be made.
The two survey questions below were sent to 55 individuals from industry and academia resulting in 30 responses across 10 countries. This collection gives a broad cross section of the issues we are facing and will hopefully lead to improving our ability to reduce the global impact of combustible dust hazards.”