This HSE guidance sheet for Offshore locations describes good practice for laboratory work in the offshore environment which involves the analysis of chemicals and process fluids, eg measuring oil in water using perchloroethylene (TTCE). It covers the key points you …
The Aluminium Association have a publication on the fines produced in the Aluminium trade. This is taken from the documents scope: This brochure discusses the potential problems involved in various aspects of aluminum fabricating which generate fine aluminum particles. It also …
RR836 – Perception and understanding of how local exhaust ventilation (LEV) works and how effective it is EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) is one of the principal methods used to control exposure to airborne contaminants that can cause work-related …
This is an American book published in 2019 and is a useful reference for the control of Airborne Chemical Hazards. Whilst this is a useful reference, we recommend that you investigate and apply UK Regulations and Guidance where ever possible. Order …
This leaflet gives advice on current good practice Phenol formaldehyde and urea formaldehyde resins are used extensively in the hot box and warm box processes to produce cores and moulds. The resins are mixed with a catalyst and sand which …
Colbalt and you This leaflet is for people who work with cobalt and its compounds. It tells you about the possible health effects – short-term and long-term – and explains what you and your employer should do to control the …
This section of the HSE website evaluates typical exposure from Dyes and Dyeing processes. It covers a variety of controls (including LEV) as solutions in lowering exposure. Exposure to dyes Dyes used in textile finishing have many different, complex …
This is a leaflet produced by the HSE aimed at raising awareness that flour dust can cause asthma. It has some practical examples of activities conducted in the food production and ways to lower exposure. Aimed at Employers and Employees …
This HSE guidance is aimed at employers, managers and workers who use or plan to use cadmium-containing products and materials. It is also relevant to those who may be working on materials that may include cadmium-containing solders. To download this …
HSE Construction dust information sheet. This is a useful information sheet which highlights the how construction dust can seriously damage health. It also outlines some of the most common activities and the most suitable controls including water and on-tool extraction. …
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