Buyers & Users of LEV

HSE CIS 36 Construction dust

HSE Construction dust information sheet. This is a useful information sheet which highlights the how construction dust can seriously damage health. It also outlines some of the most common activities and the most suitable controls including water and on-tool extraction. …

HSE Wood Dust Exposure Video (Sweeping!)

Clean up your act video by the HSE demonstrates the high exposures you can get sweeping up or blowing down compared to using a vacuum with HEPA filters.

HSE Textile dust

The following is taken from Dust Why dust is a problem Dust can cause explosions[1]. Textile process dusts, in particular wool and cotton, can also cause byssinosis (cotton dust), occupational asthma and respiratory irritation – see more information below …

HSE WD09 – Stand Alone Dust Collectors (Occasional Use)

It describes the key points you need to follow to help reduce exposure to an adequate level. It is important to follow all the points or use other equally effective measures. Wood dust (eg from hardwood, softwood and MDF) can cause …

HSE EH76 – Control of Laboratory Animal Allergy

This HSE guidance note draws attention to health risks from exposure to laboratory animal allergens. It advises employers and managers of animal facilities on the precautions needed to prevent or adequately control exposure, as required by the CoSHH Regulations 2002.  It …

HSE EIS21 Immersion & Cold Cleaning of Engineering Components

This HSE leaflet outlines the main health and safety hazards and risks involved in cold cleaning operations. It includes the legal requirements applying to this work, which aim to minimise the risks to health and risks from fire and explosion. …

HSE CAIS10 Ventilation in Catering Kitchens

This short HSE guidance leaflet is aimed at employers in the catering and hospitality industry and gives guidance on ventilation requirements for kitchens. It aims to help employers assess whether existing ventilation is adequate. It will also be useful for …

HSE COSHH essentials in ceramics: Silica

COSHH Essentials sets out basic advice on what to do to control exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. It takes the form of straightforward advice in ‘factsheets’ called ‘control guidance sheets’. There are two types of sheets, industry-specific ‘direct …

HSE HSG103 – Safe Handling of Combustible Dusts

This HSE guidance publication provides practical advice on the prevention and mitigation of dust explosions and fires. The guidance is intended for employers, managers, foremen and safety representatives working in the many industries where combustible dusts may be present. A …


COSHH Essentials sets out basic advice on what to do to control exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. It takes the form of straightforward advice in ‘factsheets’ called ‘control guidance sheets’. There are two types of sheets, industry-specific ‘direct …