
HSE INDG 463 Control of exposure to silica dust

This is a leaflet which explains what an Employer and operator should do to prevent lung disease caused by exposure to silica at work. Follow the URL link below to download a copy from HSE’s website:- INDG463

HSE HSG201 – Controlling Exposure to Stonemasonry Dust

This is a free to download HSE guidance HSG201. This book is aimed at employers of stonemasons, managers in stoneworking businesses, suppliers of stone, stone dust control equipment manufacturers and stone tool manufacturers and suppliers. The guidance describes the risks …

HSE WIS30 – Toxic Woods

This information sheet provides employers and operatives with information on the reported adverse health effects associated with the more common woods used in commercial quantities within the UK, as detailed in Table 2.   This information sheet will help you take …

COSHH G402: Health Surveillance for Occupational Asthma

This information will help employers (including the self-employed) comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH), as amended, to control exposure and protect workers’ health.  It is also useful for trade union safety representatives. The sheet …

INDG172 Breathe freely, a worker’s information card.

This pocket card gives practical information about occupational asthma. It is for people who work with respiratory sensitisers. Respiratory sensitisers are substances that could cause allergies if they are breathed in. It gives guidance on what to do if you …