H1 (formerly D1) Environment Agency Stack Height Calculation Guidance
H1 was the Environment Agencies software tool to calculate the stack height for satisfactory dispersion of the substances handled.
NOTE – H1 (D1) was WITHDRAWN in 2016 and is not the the Environment Agency’s current guidance.
However, it is still a useful method for calculating Effective Stack Heights and therefore actual physical stack heights required. It is understood (2020) that HSE in UK will still accept this H1/D1 guidance when calculating required stack heights – and especially so if it is the intention to specify stacks less than 3m high (above higheste part of roof).
Copy of the (withdrawn) D1 guide can be downloaded here:- Env Agency D1
Now if you are looking at the correct dispersion modelling stack heights to be used for Environmental emissions reasons – you need to visit the URL below pointing to the Environment Agency’s website for more information on Dispersion Risk Assessment and Dispersion Modelling:- EA Dispersion Modelling Pages