CIBSE Guide TM42 – Fan Application

This CIBSE Fan application guide considers the principles of air movement and the various fan types available in order to achieve the best results.
This publication has been produced not for the fan engineer but for the engineer who uses fans. It is aimed not only at specifiers, mechanical services designers and architects but also at those responsible for building services and plant maintenance.
1. How a fan works
1.1 Axial fans
1.2 Mixed flow fans
1.3 Centrifugal fans
1.4 Tangential flow fans
1.5 High pressure fans
1.6 Summary of fan types
2. Fan laws and system resistance
2.1 Fan laws
2.2 System resistance laws
2.3 Practical facts of the combined fan and system laws
3. Fan selection
3.1 Fan characteristic curves
3.2 Electrical supply
3.3 Efficiency
3.4 Noise level considerations
3.5 Air performance of different fan types
4. Installation and system effects
5. Fan control
5.1 The need for control
5.2 Savings in fan power
5.3 Sensors and controllers
6. Parallel and series operation
6.1 Parallel operation
6.2 Series operation
7. Acoustics
7.1 Acoustic terms
7.2 Noise level
7.3 Human perception of sound
7.4 Fan manufacturers’ data
7.5 Application and installation effects
7.6 Control of noise
8. Safety and maintenance
8.1 Installation
8.2 Commissioning
8.3 Operation
8.4 Maintenance
Appendix 1: Definitions and explanations
Appendix 2: Airflow and pressure measurement
Appendix 3: Information required for fan selection
Appendix 4: Electric motors
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