BSRIA Guide 49/2015 – Commissioning Air Systems

BSRIA Guide BG 49/2015 explains how to commission ducted air distribution systems in buildings. The commissioning process mainly comprises the setting to work of the system fans and the regulation of system flow rates. BG 49/2015 now replaces BG 49/2013.
The 2013 edition was published to reflect amendments to Part F and Part L of the Building Regulations, technological advances in plant and equipment and the increasing importance being placed on commissioning. This 2015 edition provides the same guidance as the 2013 edition. It also incorporates changes to some of the descriptions and detail made as a result of feedback on the 2013 edition received from BSRIA member companies.
This guide explains how to carry out procedures in order to comply with the standards outlined in CIBSE Commissioning Code A (which sets out the normal standards of good practice accepted by the building services industry).
Chapters cover:
- Design for commissionability
- Commissioning facilities
- The installation of commissionable systems
- Site test instruments
- On-site flow measurement techniques
- Commissioning procedures
- Example methods statements
- Documentation
Editable Word versions of the pro-formas are attached to the pdf of this guide, and are available as a free download to anyone purchasing a hard copy of the guide.
Link to BSRIA to purchase copy of this Guide: BSRIA Commissioning Air Systems BG49/2015