
The LEVCentral ‘Free to Use’ LEV Resource Database project was initiated by Bill Cassells and Louise Wood in 2015.

We had been aware for some time that although Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) had a critical role to play in the control of Occupational Disease, information and resource material was often found spread throughout many areas of the Web.

The early focus of the LEVCentral project was therefore to try and draw together as many of these strands as possible into one Resource Centre.

The project then grew from there.

Everyone who may be involved in Specifying, Designing, Installing and Testing, etc LEV Plant must be “Competent”. This is a difficult issue to pin down to its specifics however, it does involve the following elements “Knowledge, Experience and Capability” . Training courses are fundamental to achieving competence but in themselves they are unlikely to be entirely sufficient.

Professional bodies such as BOHS, ILEVE, SOE etc have programmes for the further development and accreditation of skills and LEVCentral therefore has a dedicated area for Professional Development.

We have also included a section on Mentoring where anyone wishing to be mentored in LEVExamination & Testing or LEV Basic Design can make direct contact with a Mentor.

This site is intended to be ‘not for profit’ in its ethos.

It is hoped that LEVCentral will become a valuable, living resource for LEV Engineers and Designers, Occupational Hygienists, Safety Managers, Students, Researchers and all other professionals with an interest in the subject.

LEVCentral is intended to be a mutual support website with contributors welcomed – and indeed encouraged, from all visitors.

LEVCentral is your site.

Please help it grow by providing us with feedback and suggestions and also by actively making resource and information contributions.

For more information about the parent company OXYL8 visit our website at http://oxyl8.com