This sheet, which is part of HSE’s CoSHH Essentials series – provides advice on removing waste from a dust extraction or air cleaning unit. It describes the key points you need to follow to help reduce exposure to an adequate level. …
Produced for HSE by HSL in 2011 this short video provides a basic introduction to the components of an LEV system and emphasises the importance of the selection and design of the correct type of hood for the application. Also …
One of the offshore CoSHH Essentials series of guides by HSE. This one covers the General Ventilation requirements for the storing of chemicals HSE OCM6 Storing Chemicals Offshore
Part of HSE’s Offshore CoSHH Essentials series of Guides – this one deals with the specifics of Exposure Monitoring in an offshore situation HSE OCM6 Exposure Monitoring
This guide is one of HSE’s Offshore CoSHH Essentials sheet which covers the selection, use and maintenance of RPE HSE OCM4 Respiratory Protective Equipment
No 17 in HSE’s Offshore CoSHH Essentials series of guides. This guide covers engineering control in laboratory work offshore HSE OCE17 Laboratory Practice
No 9 in the Offshore CoSHH Essentials series of guidance leaflets by HSE. This one considers the CoSHH Control strategies for working in the Shale Shaker Rooms and Mud Pits. HSE OCE9 Drilling Muds
Part of HSE’s Offshore CoSHH Essentials series, this leaflet covers the control engineering (LEV) strategies where muds are being mixed. HSE OCE8 Mixing Drilling Muds (Sack Room)
Part of HSE’s Offshore CoSHH Essentials series of leaflets , this one considers the hazards, risks and control strategies for soldering HSE OCE4 Soldering
Part of HSE’s CoSHH Essentials series of guidance leaflets. The sheet provides good practice advice on using local exhaust ventilation which is the commonest form of engineering control. It can be applied to a range of tasks involving small, medium …
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