This HSE Guidance/Information leaflet will help managers to comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH), as amended, to control exposure and protect workers’ health. It describes good practice for managing the control of exposure to …
This HSE Guidance is aimed at vehicle body shop owners, managers and supervisors, their employees (particularly paint sprayers) and suppliers. It will also be useful to industries, other than motor vehicle repiair (MVR), where there is spraying of Isocyanate-containing paints …
This guidance is aimed at SMART (Small and Medium Area Repair Technique) repair sprayers using isocyanate-based and other paints and who generally operate as a mobile unit. It is also useful for franchisees, managers and operators in motor vehicle repair …
This HSE guidance sheet for Offshore locations describes good practice for laboratory work in the offshore environment which involves the analysis of chemicals and process fluids, eg measuring oil in water using perchloroethylene (TTCE). It covers the key points you …
HSE’s CoSHH Essentials section on Welding Fume has a list of 23 topic Guidance Notes – all of which can be accessed by following the URL link below. Some of the Ventilation-specific guidance notes are listed below for direct download:- …
This is a case study on the HSE website looks into how minor modifications to an LEV Hood can make significant improvement to a tracer smoke containment assessment. ITT used booths to control exposure to harmful gases, mists and vapours …
Portland Cement Dust Hazard assessment document HSE EH75/7 Taken from the documents foreward: This Hazard Assessment Document has been published by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It is aimed at a technical audience and reports on the scientific information …
HSE Video: Dr David Fishwick interviews Phil Hydes, asthma sufferer Click here to be redirected to the HSE website and watch the video. Transcript of interview: Dr David Fishwick Perhaps you could start just by telling us how old you …
COSHH Essentials sets out basic advice on what to do to control exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. It takes the form of straightforward advice in ‘factsheets’ called ‘control guidance sheets’. There are two types of sheets, industry-specific ‘direct …
RR836 – Perception and understanding of how local exhaust ventilation (LEV) works and how effective it is EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) is one of the principal methods used to control exposure to airborne contaminants that can cause work-related …
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